Sunday, January 9, 2011

Liar Update

In the post entitled "Liar, Liar," I talked about how Marty wants to meet with the president of Nickelodeon so that he can pitch some movie ideas that he has for the network. I more or less explained to him when he first brought it up how the process actually works, but he doesn't really see why his way wouldn't work just as well.

Here's the problem for him though...while when he was born we lived about 300 yards away from the Nickelodeon studios in Burbank, he now lives in Southwestern Michigan. Sure, his godmother and her husband are out in Los Angeles...but he wouldn't even be able to pull a proper "Sleepless in Seattle" scheme off, since the nearest airport doesn't fly direct to LA. He gets lost going from our living room to the laundry room, so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to navigate a connecting flight.

But, ever since this originally came up, Marty's been watching a video that I made from when he was a baby of things around Burbank, including the Nickelodeon stuff. I can't prove it, but I think he's trying to find a way to sneak in.

So, just on the off-chance that you hear a news story about a skinny, redheaded wannabe writer/director that was caught in an air duct at Nickelodeon trying to weasel his way into the executive suites...feel free to assume that it was my kid.

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