Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dress Code

The other day, I looked outside to see Marty walking around our yard wearing a hoodie, swimming goggles and snow boots...and it was 70-degrees outside.

Casey insists on wearing his cowboy boots around, even if he's wearing shorts, and frequently tucks his pants into them. That's just not in our yard...that's any place.

Last night, Marty went walking through our living room with pants on his head. When I relayed that to Amy, all she wanted was an assurance that he was wearing pants over the appropriate body parts (he was...still not sure where the extra pair on his head came from).

I don't know what the deal is with them. Casey -- who insists on wearing a tie to every picture day -- when allowed to dress himself, will pick the loudest outfit that he can possibly find. Marty would walk around dressed in costumes all the time if we would allow it.

And, I'm not sure that it's going to get any better. After seeing a reference to Mr. T in a comic strip, the boys asked who that was. Upon being shown a picture, Casey exclaimed, "He looks awesome!"

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