Thursday, March 1, 2012


The other day, Marty asked me, "Is our family too weird?"
How do you respond to that? I pointed out that since I'm a writer and a former member of the Hollywood establishment, that we're allowed to be a little bit weird.
Amy said that I should've just said that all families are weird and let it go at that. It turns out that Marty's concern was really that he felt that he had gotten the kids in his class to accept him and he was worried that the weirdness of the rest of his family might blow that for him. Considering that Marty's Asperger's related peculiarities are known by a decent amount of peers, beyond just his class -- and really the population of the town we live in as a whole -- it was kind of endearing to have him worrying about the strangeness of the rest of us.
It also seems that his query was driven by the interactions of his little brother Casey and myself. Marty believes that when Casey and I are intentionally being obnoxious, making statements to each other that we know aren't true or singing badly at the top of our lungs, that its weird. Most people use the word "stupid" along with the obvious "obnoxious" designation. Of course, our behavior is also fairly consistent with adolescent boys. According to Amy, that's fine for Casey but less ok for his 4o-ish father.
So, what I suppose it boils down to is that I'm weird and that's a concern for Marty. I find it amusing that some of the normal behaviors of boys his age are what he finds weird. I'm sure that opinion is not without merit, but I don't that its members of the class itself that typically express it.
Lost in all of this is Amy, who doesn't believe that Marty's concerns are in any way directed to her. She might be right, but all I know is that for years she used to flip her shoes in her hands, like a juggler, before putting them on her feet. I don't believe that repressing your idiosyncrasies keeps them from being picked up on by your children.
I doubt that our family really is any weirder than others -- although I did wonder the time that Marty and Casey began arguing over who is more "creative." We might do a little less to hide it than some others, but that just keeps us honest.
Notice that I said "family"...there's a decent chance that I'm a complete lunatic, but why should that drag all the others down with me. For safety's sake, though, I might lock myself in my room until Marty's out of high school.

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